Channel A

Wired magazine

The Lowell student newspaper

  • "Independent success story" in the January 14, 1994 issue of The Lowell about San Francisco Independent publisher Ted Fang. Awarded the Columbia Scholastic Press Association Certificate of Mention for a Personality Profile, 1995.
  • "PTSA investigates students' poor math grades" in the March 5, 1993 issue of The Lowell about a secretive report by the Parent Teacher Student Association criticizing the math department. Awarded the Partners-in-Print "Best News Story of the Year," 1992-1993.
  • "Lowellites brave the horrors of commuting" in the January 15, 1993 issue of The Lowell about the trials and tribulations of high school students riding public transportation. Awarded the California Press Woman Communications Contest Third Place Features, 1993.

West of Twin Peaks Observer, neighborhood newspaper

  • "Growth at SFSU: New Arts, Humanities Buildings" in the July/August 1993 issue of the West of Twin Peaks Observer, a San Francisco neighborhood newspaper, about new academic buildings constructed on a state college.


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