Blast Submission Guidelines
Submissions can be any length. Fiction that is novel-length will be
serialized. You may also submit accompanying artwork provided that it is
your own work.
All copy should be in "ready-to-print" condition - no rough drafts, etc.
We have the right to edit for clarity and correct grammatical and spelling
We have the right to write headlines for copy with the exception of
and poetry.
If you are submitting previously copyrighted or printed material, please
inform us in advance.
Please include your name, address, telephone number and e-mail address for
our records. Your e-mail address will be a link on the site; no other
information will be released to any party.
Blast currently does not compensate for submissions. In the instance that
a third party is interested in publishing work found in Blast, the Blast
editorial staff will notify the author. It is the responsibility of the
author to negotiate with the third party.